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Legends of Rock: The Renegade Rockers

Centrestage presents The Legends of Rock: The Renegade Rockers
At The Boardwalk due to public demand! Wed 17 & Fri 19 April - Book Here

First ever Centrestage
OFFER!!! - Renegade Rockers 17 April Only!
Pay for 4 Tickets & get 4 Tickets FREE!!!
To Qualify: Make sure you have Liked Centrestage on CLICK HERE
Then - Click on the OFFER at the top of the Facebook page
You will be sent an email with a special code on it.
Once you have received this code, call Leandi at the Centrestage office
on 041-3683093 (08h00 to 16h30) and she will reserve 8 tickets for your
group which you can pay for at the door on the night of the show
at the total cost of R480
Note that a maximum of 20 people can take up this offer.

The Renegade Rockers come out to play as Centrestage presents The Legends of Rock, featuring guest artist Cedric Vandenschrick in front of the Centrestage All-Star Band.
The iconic rock n roll trendsetters featured in the show have all followed their own tune and in so doing have re-shaped the face of music as we know it.
The larger than life Vandenschrik will re-animate the colourful characters of musical anarchists Freddy Mercury, David Bowie, John Lennon and Jim Morrision, with salutes to The Police and Led Zeppelin also in the mix.
Other renegades who created a counter culture of their own featured include Rodriguez, Aerosmith’s Steve Tyler and Twisted Sister, who will be energetically saluted by home-boy Wayne Kallis, with Gino Fabbri taking a turn as Mick Jagger and ace guitarist Sherid Van Rooyen tearing it up as Jimmi Hendrix.
Cedric (nicknamed Ced) is a veteran of the musical theatre stage, having played these characters to high praise in front of many hit Barnyard shows such as Roll over Beethoven, Rock me Amadeus and Forever Young throughout the country. Born in Mogadiscio (Somalia) of an Italian Mother and a Belgian father, Cedric is a true citizen of the world, speaking fluent French, Italian and English.
He has been involved in music and theatre professionally since 1993, where the first collaboration between Vanderschrick and Centrestage owner Gary Hemmings saw the staging of his Pink Floyd tribute The Wall at the Grahamstown Festival that year.
Ced’s internationally acclaimed tribute to Jacques Brel entitled “Brel – Rough Diamond” toured the world, where he performed as far afield as Belgium, Ireland, Italy, The United States, China, Mauritius, Reunion and the Edinburgh international festival.
He has staged, directed and starred in shows as diverse as The Doors - Is Everybody in?!, Under an Irish Moon, Kings, Queens and Divas and The song Remains the Same, his own popular tribute to Led Zeppelin.

“As Cedric is a son of Port Elizabeth, having spent many of his formative years here, it is a great honour to finally be able to showcase Cedric’s flamboyant theatricality in front of PE’s favourite band” says Gary Hemmings.

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Legends of Rock

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